Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Preparing for clinical observations

Video 27 of 91
2 min 9 sec
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Clinical Observations: Precautions and Equipment Hygiene

Precautions Before Clinical Observations

Mark, before we proceed with clinical observations, let's discuss the precautions:

  • Standard Precautions: If you're not dealing with an infectious risk, gloves are sufficient.
  • Hand Hygiene: Always wash hands thoroughly before wearing gloves and ensure they are properly dried.
  • Special Precautions: For high-risk patients, we use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as gloves, gown, plastic apron, face mask, and face shield.

Cleaning of Equipment

All equipment is cleaned:

  • Between Patients: Equipment is cleaned thoroughly after each patient interaction.

Data Entry and Hand Hygiene

When entering data or making phone calls:

  • After Patient Contact: Remove gloves, clean hands with alcohol gel or wash them, then proceed with data entry or phone calls.
  • Before Re-approaching Patient: Clean hands again and put on fresh gloves.

Cleaning Small Equipment

Regarding small items like penlight torches and pens:

  • Keep Clean: Items like penlight torches and pens must be kept clean.
  • Procedure: Remove gloves, clean hands, ensure equipment is clean before use, and handle with the same gloves if not contaminated.

These protocols ensure infection control and safety during clinical observations.