Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Dental problem

Video 68 of 91
2 min 17 sec
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Assessment of Facial Swelling and Dental Pain


Welcome: Hi, I'm Mark, the triage nurse on duty tonight. Let's quickly confirm your details and assess your condition.

Patient Assessment

Name and Date of Birth: Could you confirm your name and date of birth for me?

  • Name: Dave Smith
  • Date of Birth: 16.05.64

Initial Assessment: This is a quick triage to determine the next steps for your care.

Medical Examination

Blood Pressure Check: Let's take your blood pressure while we discuss your symptoms.

Facial Swelling: I notice swelling on the right side of your face. Let's proceed with your temperature.

Discussion of Symptoms: You mentioned a broken tooth that has caused significant pain and swelling.

  • Pain and Difficulty Eating: The pain is severe, making it difficult for you to chew solid food.
  • Swelling Inside the Mouth: You feel tenderness and swelling around the broken tooth.

General Health Check: Ensuring your swallowing and breathing are unaffected by the swelling.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Clear Airway: Your airway is clear, and there is no obstruction.

Referral to GP: We will refer you to see the GP for a thorough examination and further treatment.

Final Instructions: Please proceed to the GP's office for detailed assessment and management of your dental issue.