Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Ectopic pregnancy

Video 48 of 91
4 min 18 sec
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Triage Assessment for Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy


Hi. My name is Mark, and I am one of the nurse practitioners here. We will be triaging you this morning to assess your condition.

Confirmation of Details

First, I need to confirm your details:

  • Name: Brenda King
  • Date of Birth: 14th June 1981

Vital Signs and Initial Assessment

We need to check your vital signs, including your blood pressure. Let's do that while we talk, is that okay with you?

Brenda: Yes, that's fine.

Assessment of Pain

Could you describe the pain you're experiencing?

  • Location: Right side, with associated shoulder pain
  • Character: Sharp stabbing pain
  • Duration: Started two days ago
  • Pain Severity: Rated as 20 out of 10

Medical History and Pregnancy Details

Brenda: I'm about five weeks pregnant, our first child.

  • History: No previous pregnancies or medical issues
  • Medication: Folic acid, allergic to penicillin

Next Steps

Due to the severity of abdominal pain during pregnancy, especially on one side, we need to get you seen by a doctor in A&E promptly.

Brenda: Okay, thank you.


We'll guide you to A&E now. Please follow the directions to the left, and we'll ensure you receive appropriate care as quickly as possible.

Brenda: Thank you!