Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Debrief - Poisoning

Video 73 of 91
1 min 9 sec
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Managing Beta-Blocker Overdose: Triage Protocol


Understanding Poisoning Cases: This incident involves a case of beta-blocker overdose, where the prescribed medication was taken in excess.

Medical Background

Prescription and Medical History: The patient was prescribed beta-blockers due to a history of heart arrhythmia, typically taken at a specific daily dosage.

Assessment and Response

Understanding Medication Effects: It's crucial to understand the effects of medications and monitor accordingly.

Physical Assessment: Check the patient's pulse and blood pressure to assess the impact of the overdose. A manual check of the radial pulse helps evaluate pulse quality, regularity, and peripheral perfusion.

Immediate Care Protocol

Risk Management: Patients at risk of collapse should be placed on a trolley or chair and immediately transferred to A&E for comprehensive evaluation and treatment.