Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Debrief - Headache

Video 39 of 91
1 min 40 sec
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Assessment of Headaches and Red Flags

Importance of Ruling Out Red Flags

When assessing headaches, it's crucial to identify potential red flags that may indicate serious underlying conditions.

Key Red Flags to Consider

  • Photophobia: Test for sensitivity to bright light, as aversion can indicate certain neurological issues.
  • Neck Stiffness: Assess if the patient can comfortably touch their chin to their chest, which helps rule out meningitis.
  • Rash: Though rare, look for any skin rash which could suggest conditions like meningitis or temporal arteritis.

Possible Causes of Headaches

Headaches can be caused by various conditions including temporal arteritis, stress, or even stroke. Specific tests can help differentiate:

  • Shining a light into the eyes to check for pupil reactions and equality.
  • Performing the FAST test to assess facial drooping and limb weakness.
  • Assessing for visual disturbances and any signs of neurological disability.

Importance of Assessing Head Injuries

For patients with recent head injuries, it's important to include trauma assessment, especially in older patients who may not recall a fall:

  • Ask about recent falls or accidents involving the head, regardless of how long ago.
  • Include head trauma evaluation as part of the headache assessment process.

By carefully considering these factors, healthcare providers can ensure comprehensive assessment and appropriate management of headaches.