Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Health and Wellbeing in the triage workplace

Video 7 of 91
1 min 59 sec
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Support for Practitioners Dealing with Distressing Phone Calls in Triage

Understanding the Emotional Impact of Triage Calls

Mark discusses the emotional challenges of handling distressing phone calls in triage:

  • Types of Calls: Calls involving palliative care and end-of-life situations are particularly impactful.
  • Emotional Burden: Dealing with anxious relatives and discussing emotive subjects can be mentally draining.

Available Support for Triage Practitioners

Shawn outlines the support options for practitioners:

  • Line Manager Support: Always available for practitioners needing immediate assistance or debriefing.
  • On-Site Supervisors: Accessible within the triage centre to provide downtime and emotional support.
  • Mental Health First-Aiders: Trained individuals with counselling skills available to discuss and assist with emotional challenges.
  • Employee Advisory Programme: Offers formal support including counselling services for those needing additional assistance.

It's crucial for practitioners to know they are not alone and support is readily accessible.