Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Headache Assessment in Triage


Hi, my name is Mark. I am one of the triage nurses today.

Patient Assessment

Patient Presentation: Brenda King, 14th June 1975

Chief Complaint: Severe headache, light sensitivity, vomiting

Description of Symptoms:

  • The headache is intense and widespread.
  • Light causes significant discomfort.
  • Duration of headache: Approximately two days.
  • Accompanied symptoms: Nausea and vomiting.

Medical Examination

Initial Assessment:

  • Confirmation of patient's identity and details.
  • Blood pressure check and temperature assessment.

Specific Symptoms:

  • Patient reports pain at the back of the head.
  • Light sensitivity confirmed.
  • Stiff neck noted; painful on flexion.

Further Inquiry:

  • No history of head trauma or recent illness.
  • No alcohol or drug use reported.
  • First-time experience of such symptoms.

Next Steps

Medical Decision:

  • High temperature and severe symptoms indicate immediate referral to A&E.
  • Isolation precautions planned due to suspected infective process.
  • Arrangements for a comfortable, low-light environment.


We will get a wheelchair to take you straight to A&E for urgent evaluation and treatment.