Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Debrief - Rectal bleeding

Video 81 of 91
1 min 21 sec
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Understanding Abdominal Pain and Bleeding Symptoms

Challenges with Abdominal Pain and Bleeding

Introduction: Patients presenting with abdominal pain and altered stools or rectal bleeding pose diagnostic challenges.

Types and Causes of Rectal Bleeding

Types of Bleeding: Rectal bleeding can vary depending on its source.

  • Bright Red Blood: Indicates bleeding near the anal sphincter, possibly from haemorrhoids or fissures.
  • Blood in Stools: Can indicate bleeding from higher up in the digestive tract if mixed with stools.
  • Melena: Black, tarry, foul-smelling stools indicate digested blood from higher in the digestive tract.

Significance of Melena

Melena Description: Melena is a serious condition where digested blood emits a distinct smell, not typical of normal stools.

Patient Experience: Patients often note the unusual odour of melena.

Urgency of A&E Assessment

Immediate Medical Attention: Any form of rectal bleeding, especially melena, requires urgent evaluation in A&E.