Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Debrief - Falls vs collapse

Video 65 of 91
1 min 47 sec
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Patient Assessment: Fall and Arm Injury

Introduction to Patient Scenario

Scenario Overview: The patient has fallen over and injured his left arm.

Assessment of Fall vs Collapse

Key Questions: It's crucial to differentiate between a fall and collapse.

  • What were you doing before you fell?
  • Did you lose consciousness?
  • Did you hit your head?
  • Was it a witnessed fall?
  • How did you fall? (e.g., outstretched hand, backwards)
  • Any chest pain or dizziness?
  • Did you feel impending doom or tunnel vision?

These questions help rule out neurological, cardiac, or mechanical causes.

Patient's Account and Clinical Decision

Patient's Account: He tripped over the carpet, fell forward with an outstretched hand, and briefly blacked out.

Assessment: No loss of consciousness established.

Pain Management: With a pain score of two at rest, we applied a sling for comfort and instructed him to minor injuries.

Importance of Ring Removal

Risk Management: Advised removal of his ring due to potential swelling complications.

This approach ensures proper care and minimizes future complications for the patient.