Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Debrief - Circumference burn

Video 75 of 91
1 min 23 sec
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Circumferential Burn Assessment and Management


Patient Presentation: The patient presented with a circumferential burn on the lower forearm.

Assessment of Circumferential Burns

Importance of Assessment: Circumferential burns require thorough assessment to ensure adequate perfusion and neurovascular function beyond the injury site.

Skin and Tissue Perfusion: It is crucial to assess skin perfusion and sensory function distal to the burn.

Severity Considerations

Severity of Circumferential Burns: Burns encircling areas like the chest or abdomen are particularly serious due to potential complications.

Immediate Actions

Timely Assessment: Immediate evaluation of burns is essential to determine appropriate treatment and management.

Consultation with Medical Professionals: When in doubt, consulting a doctor is recommended to ensure proper assessment and management of burns.

Factors Influencing Burn Assessment

Factors to Consider: Depth of the burn, skin condition, and patient's age are critical factors in assessing burn severity and appropriate care.