Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Debrief - Lower back pain - Difficult patient

Video 63 of 91
2 min 5 sec
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Managing Patient Care with Compassion in Triage

Importance of Compassion and Empathy

Compassionate Communication: It is crucial to show compassion and empathy towards patients, fostering open communication.

Building Rapport: Establishing rapport helps patients feel comfortable sharing important details.

Assessment and Patient Presentation

Patient Presentation: The gentleman presented with long-standing back pain, dissatisfied with previous GP consultations.

Managing Expectations: It is essential to manage patient expectations regarding treatment outcomes.

Assessment for Red Flags: When assessing back pain, ruling out red flags such as cauda equina syndrome or trauma is crucial.

Specific Questions Asked: I inquired about tenderness, numbness, and loss of bowel or urinary control, all of which were negative.

Decision Making and Pain Assessment

Urgent Care Setting: Considering the absence of trauma and stable symptoms, urgent care management was deemed appropriate.

Pain Assessment: Despite the patient rating his pain as 10 out of 10, his presentation indicated comfort and no signs of distress.