Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Heart Palpitations

Video 34 of 91
4 min 23 sec
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Hi, my name is Mark. I'm one of the triage nurses here tonight. I just need to assess you. Triage is a quick assessment, just to see where is the most suitable place for you. We get a plan together and get you moving as quick as we can.


Could you just confirm your name and date of birth, please?

Yes. I am Brenda King, and it is the 20th of the first '97.

Excellent. What has been happening, Brenda?

Just, sometimes I just get this pumping in my heart and I just feel like sometimes it just misses a beat and I just... I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm just really concerned.

And how long have you had this happening?

It's been on and go for about a month now. I can feel it now. It's just like really beating really fast.

Okay. Have you had any shortness of breath?


Okay. Do you have any pain in your chest?


Okay. Has this ever happened to you before?

About a year ago but that is all really, nothing else.

Okay. Just once before and did you have help then? Did you see a doctor?

No, it was just one day, but now, it's really, really, really regular.

Every day for a month.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Alright. Okay. What we need to do is your blood pressure first and then we will carry on talking. Okay?

Okay. I'm not gonna die, am I?

No, we are going to just assess you, okay?


And then we'll get you to the most suitable place. Okay. Is there any reason I cannot use this arm?


Excellent. Just relax your arm. Finger of your other hand into here, no false nails. That is going to blow up now.


Keep your arm nice and still. I'm just going to do your temperature in your ear.


Thank you.

Is that okay?

Temperature is fine.


So you have no chest pain.


You have no shortness of breath.


And no sweating and no dizziness.


Do you have any other medical problems?

I mean, I do have a little bit of anxiety but I would not say that is a medical problem. It's not been diagnosed as that but I do feel...


Is that okay, my blood pressure?

Looks good. And have you been treated for anxiety?


Okay. Just going to write down what is on the machine there.


And just to confirm, you don't have any pain at all?


No pain anywhere in your body?


No pain in your back?


No pain in your tummy?


And no pain down, down your arms?


No headache?


No pain in your jaw or your neck?


Okay, thank you. Alright, let's take these off. So everything is looking okay. You have had this in the past although you did not seek help for it so what we need to do is to get you... We need to have a tracing of your heart and just see why you are getting these feelings of missing a beat.


Can I just feel your pulse in here?


Okay, that's good and regular. We'll send you to have a heart tracing. If that's okay, we'll move you on to another place and a doctor will see you. They may take your blood but that's the plan at the moment.


So I will just call people. And if you leave the room, follow the counter around to the left, take a seat, someone will be out to do a heart tracing for you, okay?

Okay, thank you so much.

Okay, you're welcome.
