Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

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Debrief - Eye injury

Video 71 of 91
1 min 12 sec
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Eye Complaints Triage and Assessment

Importance of History in Eye Complaints

Key Role of History: When assessing eye complaints, the patient's history plays a crucial role. Symptoms like foreign body sensation can occur even if no actual foreign body is visible.

Case Example and Symptoms

Case Example: The patient was grinding without goggles when he felt a foreign body hit his eye, leading to pain and watering—a typical presentation.

Role of Triage Assessment

Assessing for Foreign Bodies: In triage, it's essential to physically check for any visible foreign bodies. Even if flushed out by eye wash, scratches or other injuries may still be present, warranting further examination by A&E doctors.

Initial Eye Assessment

Checking Eye Functionality: An initial assessment in triage includes checking pupil reaction and ensuring the eye moves and functions correctly.


Next Steps: Patients with eye complaints should be promptly referred to A&E for a detailed examination to rule out any underlying injuries or complications.