Hospital and Telephone Triage

91 videos, 4 hours and 28 minutes

Course Content

Debrief - Mental health - Potential suicide

Video 51 of 91
1 min 23 sec
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Mental Health Triage and Patient Safety


This scenario involves a mental health triage assessment.

Patient Assessment

The patient had no prior history of mental health issues but expressed suicidal thoughts, which is a critical concern.

Key Questions:

  • Did the patient initially feel like harming themselves when taking an overdose?
  • Do they still feel this way?

These questions are challenging yet essential in assessing mental health crises.

Handling Mental Health Patients

Patients with mental health challenges require specific handling:

  • They may need to be escorted to ensure their safety.
  • Details like clothing, physical description, and other identifiers are noted in case of absconding.
  • Treat all patients, including those with mental health issues, with respect and dignity.

It's crucial to triage mental health patients equally and ensure they receive appropriate care.